Despite a packed agenda, the most surprising news at the Select Board meeting on October 24 came late, when Town...
Select Board
With less than two weeks until the Special Town Meeting, the board continued to hear presentations and voted on their...
During its regular meeting on September 24th, the board approved new rates for recycling certain items at the Recycling and...
During its regular meeting on September 10, the board reviewed a plan to combine certain public health services among the...
It was a long haul for the Select Board as they met for their August 13th session. The board faced...
Summer is usually a pretty quiet time for the Select Board. Not this year. They met for the second time...
This meeting of the Select Board was dedicated to realigning the direction of their efforts based off of the stated...
It was an evening of public hearings, as the Select Board cleared their slate ahead of adopting their summer schedule....
It touches every community. Amongst the usual fare discussed at this meeting was a review of recent Incidents of Intolerance....
The evening was all about Public Works as the board received an update from director Carys Lustig and met wit...