Each year, Needham holds an event dedicated to preventing domestic violence. Members of the Needham High School Take Back the...
In like a lion, out like a lamb, right? March may soon be known for something else, though: kindness. Some...
No, this is not a repeat! The cause for the double-take was back-to-back matchups between Needham Boys Hockey and Brookline....
Last year, the Needham Police Department hosted a six-week program, which intended to help residents understand how local enforcement works....
The Needham Select Board held their regularly scheduled meeting on February 22, 2022. The meeting is currently available for viewing...
The Zoning Board of Appeals met for a regularly scheduled session on February 17, 2022. The meeting was held through...
It seems that the town, the state and the country are all eager to see the end of the pandemic,...
It could be considered the town's version of the "State of the Union". Representative Denise Garlick shares legislative highlights from...
Parents and students may have been confused by a series of emails that came their way after the weekend storm...
You never know what will happen at the beginning of any sports season. We hope for the best, but there...