Aired February 2, 2023. The 2023 recipient of the Patrick and Patricia Forde Good Person Memorial Award is Jean Higgins...
Needham Channel News
Aired February 2, 2023. In recognition of National Yodeling Day on January 30, yodelers went to the Center at the...
Aired February 2, 2023. Highlights of the Boys Basketball game against Weymouth on January 31, 2023. One Needham Rockets team...
Aired February 2, 2023. Highlights of the Boys Hockey game against Weymouth on February 1, 2032. It was perhaps the...
Aired January 26, 2023. New bylaws in place in Needham change the rules for clearing snow for Needham businesses and...
Aired January 26, 2023. The Chinese Friends of Needham held a Lunar New Year celebration for the community to enjoy...
Aired January 19, 2023. Dan Lee gave his last athletics update to the school committee on January 24, 2023, since...
A Data Science elective at Pollard Middle School has grown in popularity since its inception in 2020. Aired January 19,...
The Plugged In Band Program encourages creativity and philanthropy. Aired January 19, 2023. Music means something. It has been part...
Having a cluttered home can have a detrimental affect on your well-being. Paul Hughes facilitates a virtual support group through...