July 16, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham School Committee, 4/5/16

The Needham School Committee meeting held on April 5, 2016 is available for viewing online:


1) Public Comments
2) School Committee Chair and Subcommittee Updates
3) Superintendent’ s Comments
4) Discussion Items
• Needham High School Student Advisory to School Committee Report
• Full Day Kindergarten Study Committee Report
• School Committee Policies:
First Reading – DH Bonded Employees & Officers Revision 2
DIB/JJF Student Activity Account Revision 2
DJE Bidding Procedures Revision 1
DK Payment Procedures Revision 1
DN School Property Disposal Procedures Revision 3
5) Action Items
• Approve Town Meeting Warrant Articles
• Approve FY’17 Revised Budget
• Approve Minutes of the Meeting of February 23, 2016
• Approve FY’16 Budget Transfers
6) School Committee Comments

For more School Committee meetings, click here!