July 16, 2024

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Needham Annual Town Meeting, 5/10/17

The Annual Town Meeting from May 10, 2017 is now available to stream for online viewing:

Control-Click here to open the Annual Town Meeting Warrant in another window.

This session includes:
• Article 32 – Authorization for Eminent Domain – Rosemary Property
• Article 38 – Appropriate for General Fund Cash Capital
• Article 39 – Appropriate for Public Works Infrastructure Program
• Article 40 – Appropriate for Public Safety Complex/Station #2 Design
• Article 41 – Appropriate for Pollard School Bathroom Upgrades
• Article 43 – Appropriate for High School Expansion Design
• Article 44 – Appropriate for Fuel Island Relocation and Upgrade
• Article 45 – Appropriate for DPW Storage Facility Feasibility
• Article 46 – Appropriate for Memorial Park Improvements Design
• Article 48 – Appropriate for Wastewater System Rehabilitation
• Article 53 – Appropriate to Athletic Facility Improvement Fund
• Article 56 – Appropriate to Debt Service Stabilization Fund
• Article 58 – Amend General By-Law: Future School Needs Committee
• Article 59 – Amend General By-Law: Hawkers & Peddlers
• Article 60 – Amend General By-Law: Street Banners
• Article 62 – Acceptance of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44, Section 55C:
Affordable Housing Trust
• Article 63 – Acceptance of Section 193 of Chapter 218 of the Acts of 2016: Speed Limitations
• Article 64 – Food Truck Article

For more Town Meeting Sessions, click here!