August 31, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Planning Board, 2/27/24

Due to a conflict in our schedules, we were unable to record the hearing on the 27th, which centered on the Zoning proposal that would set the stage for the rebuilding of the Linden-Chambers housing complex. Board members heard from residents on both sides of the issue, and carried on a full agenda, as well. The meeting is available for viewing in the window below:


1) Amendment to Major Project Site Plan Special Permit
Needham Farmer’s Market and Town of Needham, Petitioners.
Regarding request to permit the operation of a farmers market on a small portion of the Town Common and Garrity’s Way.

2) Public Hearing on Zoning Articles for May 2024 Town Meeting
Article 1: Amend Zoning By-Law – Affordable Housing District
Article 2: Amend Zoning By-Law – Map Change For Affordable Housing District

3) ANR Plan – 46 Heather Lane
Rocket Holdings, LLC, Petitioner

4) ANR Plan – 543 Greendale Avenue
Brendon-Silva, LLC, Petitioner

5) Decision on De Minimus Change: 442 and 444 Hillside Avenue
Four Forty-Four Group, Inc., Petitioner

6) Minutes

7) Report from Planning Director and Board Members

8) Correspondence

For more Planning Board meetings, click here!