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Needham School Committee, 2/27/24

The Needham School Committee had a few things to figure out as they settled in to their February 27th session. They heard a review of the Middle School Math Program, and got the report card for the performance of the Needham High School. They also heard what changes the high school would like to implement in the upcoming year. If you click on the agenda items, the video will cue in a new window.


1) Public Comments

2) School Committee Chair and Subcommittee Updates

3) Superintendent’s Comments

4) Consent Items

• Minutes of the Meeting of January 23, 2024
• Approve FY24 Grant
• FY24 Budget Transfers
• Accept Donations
• Disposal of Surplus Items

5) Portrait of a Needham Graduate Presentation: Middle School Math

6) Needham High School Improvement Plan

7) Needham High School Performance and Achievement Report

8) Approve Policy IJNDB-1 Revision 1 Staff Responsible Use of Digital Resources

9) Rescind Outdated Policies:

• CA – Administration Goals
• CBA – Qualifications and Duties of the Superintendent (Job Description)
• CHA – Development and Dissemination of Administrative Rules
• GCDC – Filling of Administrative Positions
• GCPB – Submission of Resignation
• GDBDA – Staff Leaves
• GDLA – Support Staff Visitations and Conferences
• JBA – Gender Equity Policy
• JE – School Attendance
• JED – Student Absences and Excuses
• JEDA – Truancy
• JEDAA – Religious Absence

10) School Committee Comments

For more School Committee meetings, click here!