March 31, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Are You Ready for It?

August 24, 2023
• Needham High School’s football team is getting ready for the start of the 2023 Fall Season.

Far be it from us to wish any time away, but we can not help being excited at the prospect of the upcoming sports season–especially when it comes to football. And we are far from the only ones. Win or lose, the Needham Rockets football team sets the tone for the fall, the weekly games being must-see events right up through the Thanksgiving finale. But as excited as we are for the year’s start, it’s nothing compared to that of the players and coaches of the team itself. We had to find out what they are looking most forward to, and what their plan for success is as they head down to the gridiron. We popped in on media day to find out how ready they are!

This story ran as part of the Needham Channel News, a weekly newscast airing on The Needham Channel every Thursday at 7:30pm. The Needham Channel News can be found on the Community Channel: Comcast 9, Astound 15 and Verizon 29. Most Thursdays it also can be viewed on our HD Channel on Verizon 2129, Astound 613 and streaming on this site.