July 16, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Select Board, 11/22/22

Normally, the week of a holiday is a pretty slow time for Needham, and town boards have either short meetings with little business or opt to skip the meeting altogether. This was not the case for the Select Board this week. Right from the start of the Public Comment period, challenging matters faced the board that have implications that reach over the coming years, even decades. This meeting is not to be missed. It is available for viewing on this site in the window below:


1) Public Comment Period

2) Public Hearing: Eversource Grant of Location – 68 Garden Street

3) Introduce Assistant Director of Public Works

4) Class II Auto Dealer’s License Revocation Hearing

Hentley Holden, LLC d/b/a Needham Auto Sales

5) MWRA Metropolitan Tunnel Redundancy Program

6) General Update: Department of Public Works

7) Town Manager:

• American Rescue Plan Act Funding (ARPA) Update

• Fuel Storage Policy
• Preliminary FY2024-FY2028 Capital Improvement Plan
• Town Manager Report

8) Board Discussion:
• Reasons for Convening Executive Session

• Report on Goal Progress
• Committee Reports

For more Select Board meetings, click here!