March 4, 2025

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 1/29/25

After requiring exclusive parking spaces for customers, the Zoning Board of Appeals finally approved the Taiwanese restaurant set to replace Mighty Subs. Another case that occupied a significant portion of the board’s time involved an appeal filed by neighbors against a building permit for a two-family residence on Manning Street. They argued that the plans did not comply with zoning regulations for a non-conforming lot. The Building Commissioner, who was absent, requested a continuance of the hearing, which was granted by the board. The meeting is currently available for viewing in the window below:


Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from the December 19, 2024 meeting.

Case #2 – 51 Fremont Street
Rental City, Inc. applied for a Special Permit to allow for equipment rental services with accessory retail use and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of an equipment rental services with accessory retail sales.

Case #1 – 250 Highland Avenue
(Continued from December 19, 2024) Rainbow Angel, Inc. applied for a Special Permit to allow the use for a dine-in restaurant with accessory take-out and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a Taiwanese restaurant.

Case #3 – 378 Manning Street
Nick Koslov and Megan Waldvogel applied for an Appeal of a Building Inspector Decision (ABID) of Building Permit BC24-11078 issued to Arthur Elzon dated November 19, 2024, for the reconstruction of a two-family at 378 Manning Street. The ABID asserts that the Building Permit plans on file do not comply with the terms of Section of the By-Law that the building as reconstructed have a footprint no greater in area than that of the original non-conforming building.

Case #4 – 282 Warren Street
Stephanie Cox and Joshua A. Shaller applied for a Variance to allow the divestment of a five-foot strip of land to the abutting property at 73 Pleasant Street. This divestment would make 282 Warren Street, currently a conforming lot, into a non-conforming lot with a build Factor of 26.69 where a build factor of 20 or less is required. (The Applicant has requested a Continuance to February 27, 2025).

Case #5 – 0 Colgate Road
Patricia M. Connolly, appellant, has appealed a decision of a Building Inspector (ABID) dated December 2, 2024 who determined that the property “appears to “front” on private property and therefore does not have adequate frontage along a public or private way as defined in the Zoning By-Law.” The ABID asserts that the vacant lot has 95 feet of frontage on a private paved way which satisfies the minimum frontage of 80 feet for parcels in the Single-Residence B.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!