At its final meeting of 2024, the Zoning Board of Appeals had a relatively light agenda. One case was withdrawn by the applicant, while the other was postponed until January. The meeting is currently available for viewing in the window below:
(Continued from October 17, 2024) Saybrook Construction, LLC, applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet.
Request for Withdrawal without Prejudice Case #2 – 250 Highland Avenue
Rainbow Angel, Inc. applied for a Special Permit to allow the use for a dine-in restaurant with accessory take-out and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a Taiwanese restaurant.
Request for Continuance to January 29, 2025
Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from the November 20, 2024 meeting. Case #1 – 37 Moseley Avenue(Continued from October 17, 2024) Saybrook Construction, LLC, applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet.
Request for Withdrawal without Prejudice Case #2 – 250 Highland Avenue
Rainbow Angel, Inc. applied for a Special Permit to allow the use for a dine-in restaurant with accessory take-out and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a Taiwanese restaurant.
Request for Continuance to January 29, 2025
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