March 28, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 11/20/24

It’s always exciting to see Needham attracting a diverse range of businesses. At its November meeting, the Zoning Board of Appeals approved several new establishments, including a chain fitness facility and an Indian restaurant. However, the board postponed its decision on an application to open a Taiwanese restaurant at the former Mighty Subs location. Some neighboring business owners voiced concerns about insufficient parking spaces. The board has requested the applicant to return with a parking study at the December meeting. The meeting is currently available for viewing in the window below:


Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from the October 17, 2024 meeting.

Case #1 – 37 Moseley Avenue
(Continued from October 17, 2024) Saybrook Construction, LLC, applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet..

Case #2 – 77 Charles Street
Elmo Fudburger, LLC applied for a Special Permit to allow the use for indoor athletic or exercise facility and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation associated with Burn Boot Camp.

Case #3 – 324 Chestnut Street
Monsoon Indian Kitchen, Inc., applied for a Special Permit to allow the use for a take-out establishment dispensing prepared foods, and more than one non-residential use and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a take-out Indian restaurant.

Case #4 – 250 Highland Avenue
Rainbow Angel, Inc. applied for a Special Permit to allow the use for a dine-in restaurant with accessory take-out and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a Taiwanese restaurant.

Case #5 – 695 Highland Avenue
DEI, Inc. applied for Plan Substitution, alteration or removal of conditions to provide relief to a Variance dated October 14, 1969, and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of Dedham Savings Bank.

Case #6 – 378 Manning Street
Continued from October 17, 2028Driftwood Landing,LLC applied for a Special Permit to permit the demolition, extension, alteration, enlargement and reconstruction of the lawful, pre-existing, non-conforming two-family dwelling and its replacement with a new two-family residence. The property is located in the Single Residential B District.
Request for Withdrawal without Prejudice

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!