October 25, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 10/17/24

Needham is about to welcome two new dance schools, bringing more opportunities for creative expression to the community. The Zoning Board of Appeals gave the green light at its October meeting, and both schools will soon open their doors at local churches: Christ Episcopal Church on Highland Avenue and First Baptist Church on Great Plain Avenue. The meeting is currently available for viewing in the window below:


Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from the September 19, 2024 meeting.

Case #1 – 37 Moseley Avenue
(Continued from September 19, 2024) Saybrook Construction, LLC, applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet.(Request for a Continuance).

Case #2 – 1132 Highland Avenue
Total Eclipse Dance Studio, LLC. applied for a Special Permit to allow a private school use and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a private dance school in the Christ Episcopal Church.

Case #3 – 858 Great Plain Avenue
Arrais Ballet, LLC applied for a Special Permit to allow a private school use and to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements to allow the operation of a private dance school in the First Baptist Church.

Case #4 – 378 Manning Street
(Request for a Continuance) Driftwood Landing,LLC applied for a Special Permit to permit the demolition, extension, alteration, enlargement and reconstruction of the lawful, pre-existing, non-conforming two-family dwelling and its replacement with a new two-family residence. The property is located in the Single Residential B District.

Informal Matter – 1101 Highland Avenue
Norfolk Lodge A.F. & A.M. request a continuation of the ZBA Special Permit granted on October 16, 1997 to allow the sale and storage of Christmas trees and related items in the parking lot located at 1101 Highland Avenue.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!