October 15, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Select Board, 10/8/24

With less than two weeks until the Special Town Meeting, the board continued to hear presentations and voted on their recommendations for various warrant articles. They voted to support the four articles related to the two zoning strategies under the MBTA Communities Act, though the vote was not unanimous. Additionally, they board received an update from the Tree Working Group, and members provided suggestions for refining the language of the charge for the Tree Preservation Planning Committee.
Please note: selecting an item from the agenda will open the meeting in a new tab or window.


1) Public Comment Period

2) Zoning Articles on the Special Town Meeting Warrant

3) NCAC Mural in Needham Center

4) Intermunicipal Agreement for the Charles River Pubic Health District

5) RTS Employee Use Policy

6) Town Manager

• Tree Working Group Update

• Special Purpose Stabilization Funds
• Positions on Warrant Articles
• Town Manager Report

7) Board Discussion
• Committee Reports

For more Select Board meetings, click here!