At its September meeting, the Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed an application for the demolition and reconstruction of a property adjacent to wetlands. In response to opposition from neighbors, both the board and the applicant agreed that a redesign is needed, and the hearing has been continued to the October meeting.The meeting is currently available for viewing in the window below:
Saybrook Construction, LLC, applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet. The property is located in the Single Residence A (SRA) Zoning District.
Review and approve Minutes from August 15, 2024 meeting. Case #1 – 37 Moseley AvenueSaybrook Construction, LLC, applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet. The property is located in the Single Residence A (SRA) Zoning District.
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