September 26, 2024

The Needham Channel

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Needham Planning Board, 9/24/24

It may have been a two-item agenda for the Planning Board, but that doesn’t meet there wasn’t a lot to be said. Two high-profile items dominated the evening, with the Needham Housing Authority looking to get site approval for the first stage of their reconception of the Linden Chambers Development. Afterwards, the final tweaks were put on the MBTA Communities Zoning articles that will come in front of Town Meeting this October. Small changes, perhaps, but you know how the old adage goes…
The meeting is available for viewing in the window below:


1) Public Hearing: 0 Linden Street and 5 Chambers Street
Needham Housing Authority (NHA), Petitioner
Request to redevelop the NHA Linden-Chambers property.

2) Planning Board Recommendation: Zoning Articles for the 10/21/24 Special Town Meeting
• Article 1: Amend Zoning By-Law – Multi-Family Overlay District (Base Plan)
• Article 2: Amend Zoning By-Law – Map Change for Multi-Family Overlay District (Base Plan)
• Article 3: Amend Zoning By-Law – Multi-Family Overlay District (Neighborhood Housing Plan)
• Article 4: Amend Zoning By-Law – Map Change for Multi-Family Overlay District (Neighborhood Housing Plan)

3) Report from Planning Director and Board Members

For more Planning Board meetings, click here!