March 12, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Dance Team Ready to Take the Lead

August 22, 2024 • While many have viewed the NHS Dance Team as a support to other Rockets sports, these athletes are coming into the fall geared for a spotlight of their own.

It would be a mistake to think of the Needham High School Dance Team as half-time entertainment. While their performances at football and basketball games showcase their talent, it is not even half of what these two-season athletes are about. This competitive sport has taken the team to state competition and beyond in recent years, and as we head into the fall they are already hard at work preparing for the months to come. And this time, they have a plan that might just make it their best year ever. Sports producer Kristen Connors gets in step with their captains and coach to find out more.

This video ran as part of the Needham Channel News, a weekly newscast airing on The Needham Channel every Thursday at 7:30pm. The Needham Channel News can be found on the Community Channel: Comcast 9, Astound 15 and Verizon 29. Most Thursdays it also can be viewed on our HD Channel on Verizon 2129, Astound 613 and streaming on this site.
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