Summer is usually a pretty quiet time for the Select Board. Not this year. They met for the second time this month, but this time they switched things around a little, trying out a new configuration in their chambers at Town Hall. It makes the angles a little wonky for us, but provided them with a new perspective. The meeting began with the reading of the 2024 Purple Heart Day Proclamation. The board also concluded their discussion on goal setting.
Please note: selecting an item from the agenda will open the meeting in a new tab or window.
• 91 Winding River Road
3) Public Hearing: Application for a Class II Motor Vehicle Dealer License
• KGK Group, Inc.
4) Public Hearing: Application for a Fuel Storage License
• 58 Woodbine Circle
5) Non-Occupational Sick Leave Policy
6) Public Hearing: Outdoor Dining License
• Yeat Inc., d/b/a Sweet Basil
7) Needham Center Project Working Group
8) Goal Setting
Please note: selecting an item from the agenda will open the meeting in a new tab or window.
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