It was an unusual night for a Zoning Board meeting, and the group was moved to the Select Board Chambers in Town Hall for the session. However, a light agenda kept them focused on a single case, which envisioned a new future for the building at 315 Chestnut Street. The meeting is currently available for viewing in the window below:
Owners applied for a Special Permit to permit the conversion and use of the second floor space, most recently used as office space, for residential purposes as one residential dwelling unit and waiving strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements. This property is in the Chestnut Street Business (CSB) Zoning District.
Case #2 – 37 Moseley Avenue request to continue to 5/16/24
Owners applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet. This property is in the Single Residence A (SRA) Zoning District.
Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from March 21, 2024 meeting. Case #1 – 315 Chestnut StreetOwners applied for a Special Permit to permit the conversion and use of the second floor space, most recently used as office space, for residential purposes as one residential dwelling unit and waiving strict adherence to the number of required parking and the parking plan and design requirements. This property is in the Chestnut Street Business (CSB) Zoning District.
Case #2 – 37 Moseley Avenue request to continue to 5/16/24
Owners applied for a Variance to permit the demolition of a deteriorated single family residential dwelling with detached garage and shed and to allow the construction of a new single-family residential dwelling with a side setback of 13.8 feet where 25 feet are required and a front yard setback of 20 feet where 30 feet are required. The lot contains 35,726 square feet, less than the required 43,560 square feet. This property is in the Single Residence A (SRA) Zoning District.
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