June 1, 2023
• Highlights from the Memorial Day Ceremony on May 29, 2023. Each year, dedicated volunteers, town officials, and those in public service gather at Memorial Park to commemorate Memorial Day. For those who served and those who did not, it is an opportunity to remember friends and family members who were lost in service to our country. The crowd seemed larger at this year’s gathering, as those who spoke shared their thoughts, and the town paid tribute to the fallen.
• Highlights from the Memorial Day Ceremony on May 29, 2023. Each year, dedicated volunteers, town officials, and those in public service gather at Memorial Park to commemorate Memorial Day. For those who served and those who did not, it is an opportunity to remember friends and family members who were lost in service to our country. The crowd seemed larger at this year’s gathering, as those who spoke shared their thoughts, and the town paid tribute to the fallen.
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