March 31, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Strong Rocket Shows by Girl’s Lax and Softball

May 4, 2023
• Highlights for Girls Lacrosse vs Weymouth and Softball vs Natick.

When it comes to wins and losses, it ultimately is just a stat. If you are a fan of a team, really a fan, you want them to do well, but you can take deep satisfaction in just seeing them play well. Although it was a tough week for these two Rocket teams, their games kept us on the edge of our seats, and gave us plenty to talk about as Rocket fans. Kristen Connors gives us the rundown!

This story ran as part of the Needham Channel News, a weekly newscast airing on The Needham Channel every Thursday at 7:30pm. The Needham Channel News can be found on the Community Channel: Comcast 9, Astound 15 and Verizon 29. Most Thursdays it also can be viewed on our HD Channel on Verizon 2129, Astound 613 and streaming on this site.