March 1, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Needham Spring Election 2023

The unofficial tallies from the Needham Spring 2023 Election are in, and while the draw for votes was low at around 3500 ballots, several races and ballot questions were decided upon. It is looking as if the Select Board will be adding Cathy Dowd to their ranks, and Planning Board member Adam Block will hold onto his seat for another term. Both Ballot questions passed, removing the Needham Police from the Civil Service and adding extra licenses for alcohol sales in Needham.

Where there are still questions remaining are in the Town Meeting Member races, all of which had a high number of ‘Blank’ results. Precinct A relied on write-in votes to fill their three-year seats, and several write-in candidates tied for at least one open spot. For their one-year Town Meeting seat, two write-in candidates tied, although one may be serving a full three year term instead. In Precinct B, a three-year spot still needs to be filled by one of 8 write-in candidates. And in Precinct J, a tie needs to be decided between two candidates before the call can be made.

Below are the tallies for the election–again they are the unofficial results. Where possible, we highlighted the positions that are likely to be filled.

Official Results will be posted on the town website once available.