When the board met that evening, the most talked about issue was the one first up on their agenda: renewing the use of Greene’s Field for the annual Farmers Market. Could the use of amplifiers jeopardize their plans of incorporating live music at the event? The meeting is available for viewing in the window below:
1) Special Permit: Greene’s FieldNeedham Farmer’s Market, Inc. and Town of Needham Petitioners
Request to operate a farmers market on a portion of Greene’s Field on Sundays for another season. 2) Public Hearing: 920 South Street
Brian Connaughton, Petitioner
Creation of 920 South Street Definitive Subdivision
Scenic Road Act and Public Shade Tree Act
continued from December 19, 2022 and February 7, 2023 3) ANR Plan: 0 Charles River Road
Northland Residential Corporation, Petitioner 4) Zoning Article Assignments for the Annual Town Meeting 5) Minutes 6) Report from Planning Diretor and Board Members 7) Correspondence
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