March 4, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Needham Planning Board, 12/5/22

The Planning Board is getting close to a resolution on the property formally known as the Muzi site. They also closed the public hearing on changes being proposed to the Panella’s Market lot on Central Avenue. These were the main topics for discussion at Monday night’s Planning Board meeting. The video is available for viewing below:


1) Public Hearing: 40 & 50 Central Avenue
BTE Development, LLC, Petitioner
Proposal to demolish the two existing commercial buildings and construct
a new mixed-use building with retail on the first floor and 15 total
residential units on the second and third floors, with associated surface parking.

2) Deliberation: 557 Highland Avenue
557 Highland, LLC, Petitioner
Proposal to to redevelop the property with office, laboratory and
research and development uses. The proposal also includes construction of
below grade parking under each building and a separate stand-alone
parking garage, as well as retail and restaurant uses

3) Request to abandon special permit rights: 100 and 120 Highland Ave
Carbon Health Medical Group & Needham Gateway LLC, Petitioners

4) Transfer of Permit: 101-105 Chapel Street
Cook Needham/Cook Restaurant, Petitioners

5) Request to release Off-Street Drainage bond:
Hutter Ridge Road – 1135 Webster Street Definitive Subdivision.

6) Committee Appointment – Design Review Board

7) Draft Affordable Housing Plan

8) Minutes

9) Report from Planning Director

For more Planning Board meetings, click here!