January 31, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Blue Tree Kicks Off Holiday Season

Despite the town common being under construction, the annual Blue Tree Lighting celebration continued this year on Greene’s Field.

Aired: December 8, 2022
This year, it was going to be a little bit different. It had to be. The town common was fenced off, and while the official tree was still decked out to celebrate the season, the countdown had to occur elsewhere. Fortunately, a couple just a block away another tree was being prepped to be the symbolic center of the 2022 celebration. And, from what we saw, Greene’s Field did just fine when carolers, residents, officials and even the Grinch were able to come together for some holiday cheer!

This story ran as part of the Needham Channel News, a weekly newscast airing on The Needham Channel every Thursday at 7:30pm. The Needham Channel News can be found on the Community Channel: Comcast 9, Astound 15 and Verizon 29. Most Thursdays it also can be viewed on our HD Channel on Verizon 2129, Astound 613 and streaming on this site.