March 4, 2025

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 9/15/22

The Zoning Board of Appeals met for a lively meeting on September 15th with a hearing that looked at a possible new future for a familiar Needham institution and landmark. The meeting was held through Zoom Meetings and aired live on both our HD Channel and our Municipal Channel. It is currently available for viewing in the window below:


Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from August 10, 2022.

Case #1 – 150 Gould Street
Bakers Best, Inc has applied to extend a Special Permit authorizing take-out food service for an additional period of not less than two (2) years or such other time the Board may allow. The property is located in the Industrial-1(IND-1) District.

Case #2 – 377 Chestnut Street
Plan B Retail Design and Project Management, LLC, has applied for a Special Permit to allow the change of a pre-existing non-conforming building and to waive the parking design requirements associated with the modification of the parking lot and reduction of two curb cuts into Chestnut Street. The relief sought is part of the renovations of the existing building at Roche Brothers supermarket. The property is located in the Chestnut Street Business (CSB) and Lower Chestnut Street Overlay (LCSO) District.

Informal Matter – 1111 Highland Avenue
Norfolk Lodge A.F. & A.M. request a continuation of the Special Permit granted on October 16, 1997 to allow the sale and storage of Christmas trees and related items.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!