January 22, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Did the Streak Continue?
The August 2022 Production Report

August 2022 Production Report:

Heading into August, we were definitely coming off a high–July’s numbers set new records for us and that had us feeling great. Of course, knowing that August traditionally has the lowest production numbers of the year, we weren’t expecting to match those figures. Still, we had a lot of summer programming in the works, so we were hoping for a strong showing. Did we get one? Well, yes and no.

We had 23 productions debut, which tied us for second place over the last 10 years. 2017 holds the crown for most productions of the decade–but only because they had one production more at 24. Well how about the most new programming according to show length. We came up short again. The school committee meetings leading up to the 2020 COVID Hybrid School year left us in the dust! Still, that is a year I would rather not revisit–so they can have the title!

So we will have to console ourselves with the knowledge that we had a better-than-average year, with a lot more production than last year, and a great amount of diversity in programming. Not too shabby! You can get all the details by clicking on the graphic above!