January 21, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

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May 2022 Production Report:

We are now officially back-logged! This spring has been so filled with wonderful programs and important events that we are in the rears in presenting all that we have covered. While our municipal meeting and sports coverage has to take the lead due to the timely nature of these events, we covered a fantastic number of events that are going to make this summer one to watch–so bring on the heat!

We did suffer a bit of trouble when it came to our town meeting coverage. An audio anomaly struck out audio on our Comcast feed–despite the fact that we moved our entire municipal channel in order to avoid audio difficulties. As a result, the first half hour of our live coverage on Comcast had no audio, frustrating viewers. We did get that straightened out in time for the business portions of the meeting, but we regret the trouble with our viewer’s experiences.

We also carried a lot of other live programming events in May, and enjoyed a healthy viewership for our live baseball coverage on May 18th. Thirty-eight productions debuted in total, which is the most productions to debut in a month this year–although our record for May productions stretches back all the way to 2013, when we had forty-five of them. It makes me wonder what June has in store! Click on the image above to get all the stats on the month that was, and stay tuned for more in the month ahead!