January 21, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

January 2022: A “Meet-y” Month!

January 2022:

Is it just me, or has 2022 seemed especially tough over the last month and a half? Wacky weather and lots of things to do are not always the best combination. Still we do like to keep busy here at the Needham Channel and the month of January gave us lots to keep ourselves busy and entertained.

Right now we have a whole slew of productions just waiting to be edited and brought to you. This post-production wave has been months in the making, as urgent and important events have been happening at an increasing pace over the last quarter year of so. And people have been approaching us with new and fantastic ideas. After the lull of 2020 and the “bump” of 2021, we are eager to re-engage and are like kids in a candy store–and, oh boy, are our eyes bigger than our stomachs!

We again experienced a hug boost of productions when looking at the January production rates of the past. While the number of shows and projects produced is not necessarily impressive, we had the second most production hours of the last 10 years (2013 edged us out) and the absolute most municipal meeting hours covered. It isn’t even close. We had about 22 hours of Municipal Meetings this January, and the number two slot was six years ago in 2016, when we covered 15 hours of meetings. For that, I think we have the Planning Board to thank!

Despite that big boost, we are only slightly above our usual level of municipal meeting productions this year. Equally impressive was our sports coverage, which had a very healthy start to the year despite the winter weather. Thanks to our dedicated crew and producer Kristen Connors for making this happen!

On the social media front, we were all about Public Affairs. Our most liked posts centered on the Needham Police Departments “Citizens Academy” and our collaborative effort with the League of Women Voters to raise awareness of the Town Election in April. Our news coverage scored high on YouTube, and the League of Women Voters still dominated on our streaming platform.

All-in-all, January was a very good month for the Needham Channel. More to come as we navigate through the next few weeks of February! You can find out more about this past month’s productions by clicking on the picture and link above.