March 8, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Lakshmi Balachandra Resigns from Select Board

One of the newest members of the Needham Select Board has decided to step down. Lakshmi Balachandra, who was elected in April 2021, has resigned as of Wednesday, September 22nd.

The following is a statement from Needham Select Board Chair Matt Borrelli, posted to the town’s website as of Friday morning, September 24th:

“Select Board Member Lakshmi Balanchandra notified the Town Clerk and her fellow Select Board members via email Wednesday evening that she would be resigning from the Select Board effective immediately. Ms. Balanchandra cited in her email a conflict of interest in serving in an ‘executive level position’ while retaining her current fellowship. We thank her for her service, her passion for making Needham an even better place for all people to live, and wish her well in her work. The Select Board will discuss the board vacancy at its next meeting Tuesday, September 28th at 6 pm.”

You can watch the Select Board meeting referred to in this statement on our HD and Municipal Channels, as well as our livestream here at