Communication is essential between a town and its residents. Just over two years ago, the town of Needham hired a Public Information Officer for the first time in its history with the goal of improving communications, and building on the amount of outreach the town is making. Then the pandemic hit. At this past month’s town meeting, the town renewed that position, but members expressed frustration with the slow progress being seen on what they perceived as the major problems in town/resident relations. During the most recent Select Board meeting, Cyndi Roy Gonzalez, the public information officer, outlined her priorities for creating more effective communication with residents.
Communication is essential between a town and its residents. Just over two years ago, the town of Needham hired a Public Information Officer for the first time in its history with the goal of improving communications, and building on the amount of outreach the town is making. Then the pandemic hit. At this past month’s town meeting, the town renewed that position, but members expressed frustration with the slow progress being seen on what they perceived as the major problems in town/resident relations. During the most recent Select Board meeting, Cyndi Roy Gonzalez, the public information officer, outlined her priorities for creating more effective communication with residents.
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