February 23, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

‘March’-ing Forward!
The TNC Production Report

March 2021 Production Report:

Spring is traditionally a time of renewal, and I am much relieved to report that this appears to be the case this past month. Signs of life are indeed being exhibited in every part of the Needham Channel operations, as demonstrated by our monthly production report.

By the numbers, what we experienced was a better-than-average March with 34 productions yielding 41 hours of programming. By pandemic standards, we knocked it out of the park with our best numbers of the year–and twice the number of productions of our worst month (which was May 2020, by the way)!

What I find very rewarding is that, while the pandemic lead to a couple of extra municipal meetings, and Zoom allowed coverage of events we might otherwise had the capacity for, the pandemic was not at the heart of most of our productions. Rich amounts of programming centered around the upcoming town election, and preparatory hearings for town meeting kept up a strong civics vibe. With sports, producer Kristen Connors made the most of a short, new Fall 2 sports season and gave the Needham Channel its first live sports coverage in about 25 years. We were even able to safely incorporate volunteer announcers into those productions–allowing a bit of “access” back into our productions.

We are hoping to maintain this level of activity as we continue through April. Lots of ongoing projects are being pursued, and I personally had a lot of fun editing together the NEF Trivia Bee event that was held in March. It is currently streaming online here, if you care to check it out.

You can find out more about this past month’s productions and find out how well our social media is landing by clicking on the picture above.