March 28, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Zoning Board of Appeals, 3/18/21

The Zoning Board of Appeals met on March 18, 2021. The meeting aired live on both our HD Channel and our Municipal Channel, and is now available for streaming on this site.


Minutes: Review and approve Minutes from February 25, 2021 meeting.

Case #1 – 238 Highland Avenue
The applicants seek a Special Permit Amendment to expand the Needham Montessori School to allow up to 114 children. As part of this expansion, the parking area is proposed to be redesigned to meet design criteria and improved safety. The property is located in the Highland Commercial-128 District.

Case #2 – 1257 Highland Avenue
The applicants seek a Special Permit for a take-out counter accessory to a food retail establishment; for retail sales of ice cream, frozen yogurt and similar products for consumption on or off premises; for more than one non-residential use on a lot; and to waive strict adherence to parking requirements. The property is located in the Business District.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!