February 22, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Streaming Continues to Build Audience

Looking at the month of August, it’s clear that the school situation is driving people to watch us closely. We are proud to be doing our part to help spread the word on the ever-changing picture of what is to happen this fall, and hope we can do more as the schools head into the upcoming weeks.

While we are too small an organization to have ratings, our growth into online streaming our HD Channel and posting municipal meetings for streaming show a huge demand for our school committee meeting coverage. Add to that a healthy amount of programming heading up to the September first primary, thanks to the League of Women Voters, and it was clear that August was not it’s usual “gone-for-the-summer” month.

Thank you to all who tuned in, and especially to those who helped us pull together our programs this month. We will have more for you to check out this September!

August 2020: