February 23, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Select Board Response to Flag Vandalism

In light of the recent vandalism of American Flags on Memorial Park during the Fourth of July weekend (Read previous post Fourth of July Flags Vandalized), the Needham Select Board has provided the following statement:

“The flags placed in Needham over the 4th of July holiday were intended to honor and thank the servicemen and women who have fought to protect our freedoms. We were all horrified by the act of vandalism that occurred over the weekend. The person or persons who engaged in the destruction of the flags do not represent this community. The true spirit of this Town is represented by the many volunteers who placed those flags this year.”

Kate Robey, who has been volunteering to set up the decorative flags for 9 years and expressed her frustration on Facebook earlier this week, further commented in an email to The Needham Channel,  “As said on facebook, I’m heartbroken that someone or ones would do this. As said I’ve been doing this 9 years since our Tercentenial and Memorial for 9/11. But we can’t let this take us down we rise up and my Dad put out more flags and we move on. We have greater things to worry about in our country, people are dying and going through COVID right now, our health and treating each other equally and by living the Golden Rule is most important.”