March 28, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 6/18/20

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on June 18th, 2020 is currently available for viewing online.

There are three minutes missing from the meeting, reflecting a moment when the Needham Channel signal from Zoom meetings was interrupted. Unfortunately, the town does not have a back-up recording of the meeting, and we regret the omission of this segment.


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from April 30, 2020 meeting.

Case #1 – 52 Coulton Park
Applicant seeks a Special Permit to allow an Accessory Dwelling Unit containing 850 square feet, located on the second floor of an addition on the southside of a single-family residence located at 52 Coulton Park.

Case #2 – 18 Highland Circle
Spiga LLC has applied for a Special Permit to allow the replacement of the existing outdoor patio and seats with a permanent tent structure containing 32 total seats, for a total of 86 seats; to waive the required parking; to construct a vestibule addition near the existing building entry; and to allow a 5.5 foot encroachment into the setback at 18 Highland Circle.

Board Discussion
Temporary Outdoor Seating and Outdoor Display Policy

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!