March 1, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Massachusetts Legislature Public Hearing

It’s a bit unusual for us to dip our heels into state legislature hearings, but Representative Denise Garlick and Senator Michael Rush brought the Joint Committee on Ways and Means to Powers Hall this week for the first budget hearing of the Health and Human Services chairs. Hearing testimony from such prestigious authorities as Marylou Sudders and Monica Bharel, the session dived deep into everything from the COVID-19 crisis, to state support for autism, veteran care, and more.

It was a marathon meeting, clocking in at over six hours. The first half features the testimony of Secretary Marylou Sudders of Health and Human Services and Commissioner Monica Bharel of the Department of Public Health. That is followed by testimony from Assistant Secretary Daniel Tsai of Mass Health, Commissioner Joan Mikula of the Department of Mental Health, Commissioner Linda Spears of the Deptartment of Children and Families, Maria Mossaides from the Office of the Child Advocate, Department of Developmental Services Commissioner Jane Ryder, Dept. of Youth Services Commissioner Peter Forbes, Executive Office of Elder Affairs Secretary Elizabeth Chen, and the Executive Director of the Center for Health and Information Analysis, Ray Campbell.