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Zoning Board of Appeals, 9/19/19

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on September 19, 2019 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from the July 11, 2019 meeting.

Case #1 – 16 Pleasant Street
Owners have applied for a Special Permit to construct additional garage space. The request is associated with the demolition of a single house and detached garage and the reconstruction of a new singe family residence with two attached garages.

Case #2 – 260-262 Rosemary Street
A developer has applied for a Special Permit for the demolition and reconstruction of a pre-existing, non-conforming two-family dwelling and replacing it with a new two-family residence.

Case #3 – 1180 Great Plain Avenue
Developer has applied for a Comprehensive Permit to develop 16 rental units consisting of eight one-bedroom units and eight two-bedroom units with 28 parking spaces. The project involves increasing the size from a one-story 14,500 sf building to a two-story 24,653 sf building. FOur units (25%) will meet the definition of low- and moderate- income housing.

Informational Matter – 1111 Highland Avenue
Organization requests a continuation of a Special Permit to allow the sale and storage of Christmas trees and related items.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!