March 31, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

Select Board Meeting Agenda – May 14

  1. 7:00 Director of Public Works • Public Works Week Proclamation
  2. 7:00 Public Hearing- Application for a License to Store Fuel Aboveground at 140 Cabot Street • Evan Duval, Esq., Duval, Klasnick & Thompson LLC
  3. 7:00 Public Hearing- Level 3 Communications Grant of Location- 75 Second Avenue • Mike Wiemer, Century Link
  4. 7:00 Olin College Presentation, “Needham RTS- Reducing Tailings” • Katrina Orive and Clare Auld-Brokish, Olin College
  5. 7:10 Transportation Committee • David Montgomery, Chair, Transportation Committee
  6. 7:30 Public Hearing – Proposed Development at 1180 Great Plain Avenue • Mike, McKay, Architect • Giorgio Petruzziello, Supreme Development • Peter Zahka, Esq.
  7. 8:30 Ambulance Rates and Charges • David Davison, Assistant Town Manager/Director of Finance • Dennis Condon, Fire Chief • Evelyn Poness, Treasurer & Collector
  8. 8:45 Town Manager: • Summer Hours Update • Town Manager Update
  9. 9:00 Board Discussion • Committee Reports