March 31, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Select Board Meeting Agenda – January 29

1. 6:00 Certificate of Appreciation- Abdul Cader Asmal MD, Phd., Human Rights Committee

2. 6:00 Public Hearing- Eversource Energy Grant of Location: Burnside Road/High Street • Maureen Carroll, Eversource Energy Representative

3. 6:00 Ambulance Rates • Dennis Condon, Chief of the Fire Department • David Davison, Assistant Town Manager/Director of Finance • Evelyn Poness, Town Treasurer/Collector

4. 6:10 Abatement of Ambulance Charges • Dennis Condon, Chief of the Fire Department • David Davison, Assistant Town Manager/Director of Finance • Evelyn Poness, Town Treasurer/Collector

5. 6:20 Town Manager: • Rail Trail Grant Proposal • Naming of Facilities – Cogswell Building • FY2020 Budget Presentation

6. 7:00 Executive Session Exception 3- Potential Litigation