March 28, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 12/20/18

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on December 20, 2018 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from November 15, 2018 meeting.

Case #1 – 1 Wellesley Avenue continued from 11/15/18
Applicant seeks a special permit to demolish the existing house, greenhouses, and existing structures and to replace them with two two-family structures.

Case #2 – 21 Holland Terrace continued from 11/15/18
Applicants seek a Special Permit to allow the alteration and enlargement of a pre-existing non-conforming building. The relief sought is associated with the alteration to the second floor of the existing single family residence and the proposed mudroom and garage addition.

Case #3 – 260 Washington Avenue continued from 11/15/18
Applicant seeks a Special Permit for the modification of the lot containing a non-conforming single family dwelling. The non-conformity is associated with less than required 25 foot front-yard setback for the garage

Case #4 – 1185 Highland Avenue
Application for a Special Permit for a restaurant serving meals on the premises and take-out operation accessory to the restaurant and to waive strict adherence to the parking requirements.  The request is associated with the establishment of a Mexican restaurant.

Case #5 – 79 Wexford Street
Application for a special permit to waive strict adherence to the parking requirements.  The request is associated with the plans to operate a high-end wine and spirits retail space with related warehouse.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!