March 12, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Production Reports: An Inside Look

This summer, The Needham Channel has revamped its monthly production reports, with an all-new focus on our top social media posts and accounts. What exactly is The Needham Channel Production Report? When you click on any one month, July 2018 for example, the first thing you see is a list of what programs we aired on our three channels, featuring regular series like the Needham Channel News, meetings like the Board of Selectmen and ongoing specials like the 4th of July Parade. At the bottom of the first page is a list of errors made on each channel (hey, nobody’s perfect!), Community, Education, Municipal, as well as our soon to be unveiled HD Channel (exclusive to Verizon Fios customers). Page two features several graphs that show how many programs we produce each month versus the rest of the year, with a few breakdowns by category (such as News, Sports and Education).  Page three continues that comparison, adding another that shows how many programs we produce for that specific month (July for instance) dating back ten years. There is also a list of how many Community Bulletin Board announcements sent to us by specific people or groups over the course of the month. The fourth and final page of our new Production Report details the last month of our web and social media posts. In the top left, there is a list of our followers on all social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for TNC, the Needham Channel News, as well as Needham Channel Sports), followed underneath by a more in depth look at one of those accounts. In the top right portion of page four is a list of our top 10 social media posts from the month by amount of likes. For instance, in July, the top post was a video from our Instagram page of the State Championship winning NHS Baseball team rolling through the 4th of July Parade. (In June, the top five posts were all from our Sports Twitter’s postgame coverage of the baseball team’s historic victory.) The lower left corner of the last page features a list of the top streaming programs from (You can check out all our streaming programs here.) Finally, in the lower right corner is a list of the top videos from our Needham Channel You Tube page (the top of which always seems to be “Your World: Bringing it Home – Building a Clothesline,” from 2009.) Our Production Report page can be accessed by hovering over the “Home” tab in the navigation bar at the top of this page. To view the July 2018 report, click this link. If you have any questions about the report, email Programming Manager Mike Levin at: