March 1, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Rockets Postseason Scheduled Debuts

Needham Channel Sports is following four Rockets teams in this year’s Spring Playoffs and we are attempting as many broadcasts as possible. Here is a list of game debuts to watch for on our airwaves: Thursday, June 7 (Education Channel): Boys Volleyball vs. Newton North, 6/5 South Sectional Quarterfinal – 10pm Friday, June 8 (Community Channel): Boys Lacrosse at Bridgewater-Raynham, 6/6 D1 South Section 1st Round – 8:30pm Saturday, June 9 (Community Channel): Baseball vs. Catholic Memorial, 6/7 D1 South Section 1st Round – 7pm Monday, June 11 (Community Channel): Girls Lacrosse at Wellesley, 6/8 D1 South Section Quarterfinal – 9pm Tuesday, June 12 (Community Channel): Boys Volleyball vs. North Quincy, 6/8 D1 South Section Semifinal – 9:30pm Tuesday, June 12 (Education Channel): Boys Lacrosse at BC High, 6/10 D1 South Section Quarterfinal – 10pm Wednesday, June 13 (Community Channel): Baseball vs. Marshfield, 6/11 D1 South Section Quarterfinal – 8pm Friday, June 15 (Community Channel): Baseball vs. Braintree (at Quincy), 6/13 D1 South Section Semifinal – 8:30pm Saturday, June 16 (Community Channel): Boys Volleyball vs. Taunton (at Newton South), 6/14 South Section Final – 7pm Monday, June 18 (Community Channel): Baseball vs. Wellesley (at Rockland), 6/16 Division 1 South Section Final – 9pm Wednesday, June 20 (Community Channel): Boys Volleyball vs. Natick, 6/18 State Semifinal – 8pm Friday, June 22 (Community Channel): Baseball vs. Boston Latin, 6/20 State Semifinal – 8:30pm Saturday, June 23 (Community Channel): Boys Volleyball vs. Westfield, 6/21 State Championship – 7pm Monday, June 25 (Community Channel): Baseball vs. Saint Peter Marian, 6/23 Division 1 State Championship – 9pm Also, watch for a feature on Kevin Chao from the NHS Boys Tennis team, coming soon in the latest episode of “Rockets Report!”