March 28, 2025

The Needham Channel

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Zoning Board of Appeals, 4/26/18

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on April 26, 2018 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from March 15, 2018 meeting.

Case #1 – 30 School Street continued from March 15, 2018
Applicant seeks a Special Permit to allow an additional third garage space located in an attached garage.

Case #2 – 23 Grasmere Road
Applicant seeks a Special Permit to request an additional third garage space located in an attached garage.

Case #3 – 238 Highland Avenue
Applicants seek a Special Permit Amendment to increase the enrollment of the number of students from 29 to 50 and waive the parking requirements.

Case #4 – 175 Hillside Avenue
Applicants seek a Special Permit to allow the replacement of a non-conforming business use to residential use and to allow the renovation of a vacant commercial building to a residential property.

Case #5 – 7 Trout Pond Lane continued from March 15, 2018
Applicants seek a Special Permit to change four A style front gables to two shed style gables, the elimination of a two-car garage to be replaced with off-street parking, and the elimination of the stone veneer on the north side of the building.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!