March 13, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – April 4, 2018

Debut Thursday returns on The Needham Channel this week, with three new programs running back to back to back on the Community Channel and a new high school sports broadcast debuting on the Education Channel. Due to the town elections on Tuesday, the Board of Selectmen will be meeting on Wednesday night, which you can see on our Municipal Channel. Also this week, we’ll have the Planning Board meeting from Powers Hall, debuting the day after the meeting on Monday. Here is a list of our new debuts to watch for this week: Thu, 4/5 7pm (Community Channel) – What’s My House Worth? Thu, 4/5 7:30pm (Community Channel) – Needham Channel News (LIVE) Thu, 4/5 8pm (Community Channel) – Needham High School One Day 2017: Identity Thu, 4/5 8:30pm (Education Channel)  Girls Lacrosse vs. Notre Dame Academy (From 4/3) Tue, 4/10 7pm (Municipal Channel)  Planning Board (From 4/9) Wed, 4/11 7pm (Municipal Channel) – Board of Selectmen (LIVE) For our full listings of the upcoming week, check out all three of our channels below: Community Channel (Apr 4-Apr 11): Education Channel (Apr 4-Apr 11): Municipal Channel (Apr 4-Apr 11):