March 12, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – April 25, 2018

It’s the calm before the Town Meeting storm, as we head into May in anticipation for our annual coverage live on Mondays and Wednesdays. But before then, we’ve got two other live municipal meetings and two new high school spring sports broadcasts headed to our airwaves. Here’s a list of our new debuts to watch for this week: Thu, 4/26 7:30pm (Community Channel)  Needham Channel News (LIVE) Thu, 4/26 7:30pm (Municipal Channel) – Zoning Board of Appeals (LIVE) Fri, 4/27 9pm (Community Channel) – Boys Lacrosse vs. Norwood (From 4/26) Mon, 4/30 9pm (Community Channel) – Boys Volleyball vs. Framingham (From 4/27) Tue, 5/1 7pm (Municipal Channel)  School Committee (LIVE) For our full listings of the upcoming week, check out all three of our channels below: Community Channel (Apr 25-May 2): Education Channel (Apr 25-May 2): Municipal Channel (Apr 25-May 2):