February 23, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – March 14, 2018

Well, the winter sports season is over, which means this week we’ve got marathons of all our broadcasts on our Education Channel. Check out the listings link above and check Thursday through Sunday to see when we’re running each game. This week is the rare one that includes all three of our regularly covered municipal meetings, as this week’s snowstorm caused the Board of Selectmen to postpone their March 13th meeting to the 20th. That and School Committee will be broadcast live, as will Zoning Board on Thursday, opposite our live Needham Channel News. Also new this week is Needham School Spotlight, Wednesday night, as well as Representative Denise Garlick’s annual report to the town, debuting Thursday night, both on our Community Channel. The following is list of all our new debuts this week: Wed, 3/14 9:30pm (Community Channel) – Needham School Spotlight: Equity in the Needham Public Schools Thu, 3/15 7:30pm (Community Channel) – Needham Channel News (LIVE) Thu, 3/15 7:30pm (Municipal Channel)  Zoning Board of Appeals (LIVE) Thu, 3/15 9pm (Community Channel) – Representative’s Report with Denise Garlick (From 3/12) Fri, 3/16 8pm (Community Channel) – LWV Civics Bee (From 3/11) Mon, 3/19 9pm (Community Channel) – Community Preservation Act Hearing (From 3/14) Tue, 3/20 7pm (Education Channel) – School Committee (LIVE) Tue, 3/20 7pm (Municipal Channel) – Board of Selectmen (LIVE) For our full listings of the upcoming week, check out all three of our channels below: Community Channel (Mar 14-Mar 21): https://www.needhamchannel.org/community-channel-schedule/ Education Channel (Mar 14-Mar 21): https://www.needhamchannel.org/education-channel-schedule-2/ Municipal Channel (Mar 14-Mar 21): https://www.needhamchannel.org/municipal-channel-schedule/