February 5, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – November 1, 2017

We’re into full high school playoff mode, with football already there and three more Rockets teams heading there over the next few days. In addition to the football matchup at Memorial Field against Xaverian, we intend to have a few more of the playoff games from other sports debuting on Tuesday night, either at 8:30 on the Education Channel, or at 9:30pm on our Community Channel.  The following is a list of our scheduled new debuts for this week: Thu, 11/2 9pm (Education Channel) – Boys Soccer vs. St. John’s Prep (from 10/30) Mon, 11/6 9pm (Community Channel)  Football Playoff vs. Xaverian (from 11/3) Tue, 11/7 7pm (Municipal Channel) – School Committee (LIVE) Tue, 11/7 9pm (Community Channel) – What’s My House Worth? Tue, 11/7 8:30/9:30pm (Education/Community Channel) – NHS Playoffs TBA For our full listings of the upcoming week, check out all three of our channels below: Community Channel (Nov 1-Nov 8): https://www.needhamchannel.org/community-channel-schedule/ Education Channel (Nov 1-Nov 8): https://www.needhamchannel.org/education-channel-schedule-2/ Municipal Channel (Nov 1-Nov 8): https://www.needhamchannel.org/municipal-channel-schedule/