February 5, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – February 8, 2017

This is Mike, your TNC Programming Manager with a new Programming Update!  As we soak up the incredible Patriots comeback and prepare for the coming snow, The Needham Channel has some great new programs for your viewing pleasure!  Here’s a look at what’s on the horizon: Wed 2/8, 7:30pm (Community Channel) – What’s My House Worth? Thu 2/9, 9pm (Education Channel) – NHS Boys Basketball vs. Dedham (from 2/7) Fri, 2/10, 8:30pm (Community Channel) – NHS Wrestling vs. Wellesley (from 2/8) Mon, 2/13, 8pm (Municipal Channel) – Zoning Board of Appeals LIVE Mon, 2/13, 9pm (Community Channel) – NHS Girls Basketball vs. Brookline (from 2/10) Tue, 2/14, 7pm (Municipal Channel) – Board of Selectmen LIVE The program listings for this week have been updated!  Check all three stations here: Community Channel (Feb 9-15): https://www.needhamchannel.org/community-channel-schedule/ Education Channel (Feb 9-15): https://www.needhamchannel.org/education-channel-schedule-2/ Municipal Channel (Feb 9-15): https://www.needhamchannel.org/municipal-channel-schedule/