January 22, 2025

The Needham Channel

Your Town…Your Neighbors…Your Television!

TNC Programming Update – February 22, 2017

It’s hard to believe we’re already finishing February and are heading into March!  The upcoming week features several new municipal meetings, including the Board of Selectmen and School Committee, once again meeting at the same time, plus, a new League of Women Voters Friday Forum.  Here’s a few of the new programs debuting this week: Wed, 2/22, 9:30pm (Community Channel) – Needham School Spotlight Thu 2/23, 8pm (Municipal Channel) – LWV Friday Forum: Snow Removal Tue 2/28, 7pm (Municipal Channel) – Board of Selectmen (LIVE) Tue, 2/28, 7pm (Education Channel) – School Committee (LIVE) Wed, 3/1, 10pm (Community Channel) – The Language of Business: Seasonal Businesses Also, we’ve got the full listings for the upcoming week on all three channels here: Community Channel (Feb 23-Mar 1): https://www.needhamchannel.org/community-channel-schedule/ Education Channel (Feb 23-Mar 1): https://www.needhamchannel.org/education-channel-schedule-2/ Municipal Channel (Feb 23-Mar 1): https://www.needhamchannel.org/municipal-channel-schedule/